7 reasons why Microsoft Windows phone is dying

Published: 24 April 2016, 11:11 AM
7 reasons why Microsoft Windows phone is dying

There seems no end to Microsoft’s Smartphone woes. The company’s market share in the Smartphone market continues to plummet.

The company’s been dreaming to take its dominance of the desktop to Smartphone market for years now. Microsoft even spent $7.2 billion on buying mobile pioneer Nokia in 2011, an acquisition it later wrote of billions of dollar for. The company took an ‘impairment charge’ of $7.6 billion for the Finnish firm’s smartphone business and patents.

So, is it time Microsoft should give up on its Windows Phone business. Here are 7 reasons why it should.

Microsoft only sold 2.3 million Lumia devices, down from 4.5 million in Q2 and 8.6 million in the same quarter a year. Rival Apple sold 75 million iPhones in the last three months of 2015.

The company sold 8.6 million Lumia and 24.7 million other phones during the same period last year.

The Windows Phone sales saw a drop of 73% percent year-on-year.

Microsoft’s revenue from phone division declined 46%.

The company’s phone revenue decreased by $662 million during the just announced quarter.

According to Bloomberg Intelligence, Microsoft’s Windows software powers just two out of every 100 new smart phones sold worldwide.

According to Gartner data released in February 2016, Windows Phones market share has sunk to barely 1% in the global Smartphone market. Only BlackBerry, Tizen, and other operating systems are lower.