Tech Summit-2016 to be held on Mar 11

Published: 30 January 2016, 12:30 PM
Tech Summit-2016 to be held on Mar 11

A two-day Tech Summit-2016 will be held on March 11-12 in the capital aiming to foster the growth of information technologies.

CTO Forum Bangladesh and Infocom are jointly organizing the summit for the second time with the theme "Architecting Secured Digital Business".

CTO Forum Bangladesh President Tapan Kanti Sarkar came up with announcement about the summit in a press conference at CTO forum secretariat in city`s panthopath. He also highlighted different features of the summit.

ICT experts from Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan and Myanmar would the summit alongsides Bangladesh and India.

Meeting, seminar, symposium would be held in the summit to develop the ICT sector in the country.

As a part of the sequence, Tapan said along with Bangladesh, more than 100 Technology Consultants, CIO, CTO, CISO, High Government Officials, IT Chief of important technological organizations, IT Consultants of India, Nepal, Bhutan and Srilanka joined the summit.