Neymar dyes hair blonde after Messi

Published: 22 August 2016, 12:08 PM
Neymar dyes hair blonde after Messi

Remember when Lionel Messi dyed his hair blonde just before joining up with Barcelona this season? Well, Neymar has done the same.

The Brazil superstar, who won gold with his nation on Saturday and got an Olympic tattoo, now has the same color hair as his pal Justin Bieber and Barca teammate Messi.

To steal a line from D.J. Hughley, it looks like someone beat him upside the head with a bottle of peroxide. But, it actually doesn’t look that bad on him.

Neymar is cool enough for every hairstyle, and if this kind of looks normal on him, it’s because it really isn’t all that new. He’s done similar things before.