BRAC Bank mini marathon held

Published: 30 January 2016, 09:27 AM
BRAC Bank mini marathon held

The employees of BRAC Bank organized a mini marathon titled ‘DAUR 2016 – Kolyaner Pothochola’ to raise fund for the humanity.

Annisul Huq, Mayor, Dhaka North City Corporation, attended the program at the Chief Guest at the annual mini marathon for humanity at South Plaza area of Jatiya Sangsad Bhaban on January 29.

Selim R.F. Hussain, Managing Director & CEO, BRAC Bank Limited, and the employees of BRAC Bank across the country took part in the marathon for a social cause. 

This year the officials of other private banks, corporate houses and media and film celebrities also participated in and attended the marathon.

The marathon started at 7 am in the morning.

On the occasion, the employees raised a fund of Tk. 10 lakh, and the company doubled it to Tk. 20 lac from its CSR fund.

BRAC Bank donated Tk. 10 lakh to Bangladesh Thalassaemia Samity & Hospital that works for treatment of the thalassaemia patients and also creating awareness about prevention of the disease.

After the marathon, Selim R.F. Hussain, Managing Director & CEO, BRAC Bank Limited, handed over the cheque to Mr. Omar Golam Rabbani, President, Bangladesh Thalassaemia Samity & Hospital.

Earlier this winter, a portion of the fund was utilized to distribute 2,700 blankets to cold affected people in Rangpur and the newly reclaimed enclaves in Panchagarh.

In this memorable event, Selim R.F. Hussain, Managing Director & CEO, BRAC Bank Limited, said, “As a follower of 3P Philosophy – People, Planet and Profit - social welfare initiatives are embedded in the DNA of our bank’s people. I am encouraged to see the passion in our people to contribute to society.”

“This year we are inviting guests outside the bank to take part in the run.  We hope that this will take the annual marathon to a newer level and we strongly believe that together we can make a difference in people’s lives," he added.

It is mentionable that, BRAC Bank has been organizing the marathon since 2011.