Stay calm, let’s not miss the chance to create a new world: Yunus

Staff Reporter Published: 7 August 2024, 05:03 PM
Stay calm, let’s not miss the chance to create a new world: Yunus
Muhammad Yunus

Muhammad Yunus, the designated head of the interim government, called for calm and an end to violence in a statement on Wednesday.

"Violence is our enemy. Please don't create more enemies. Stay calm and prepare to build the country. If we take the path of violence, everything will be destroyed," the statement from Yunus Center read.

Yunus urged the nation not to squander the opportunity to create a new world, particularly emphasizing the role of the youth. "Our youth is ready to lead in creating a new world. Let's not miss this chance by engaging in senseless violence," he said.

He congratulated the brave students who led what he termed the 'Second Victory Day' and acknowledged the widespread support they received from the public. "Let's make the best use of our new victory. We must not let it slip away because of our mistakes," Yunus stated.

Appealing to students, political party members, and citizens alike, Yunus said, "This is our beautiful country, full of exciting possibilities. We must protect it and make it a wonderful place for ourselves and future generations."