Home ministry notification banning Jamaat-Shibir today

Senior Staff Reporter Published: 31 July 2024, 12:38 PM
Home ministry notification banning Jamaat-Shibir today

The Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami and its student organisation, Islami Chhatra Shibir, are set to be banned today (Wednesday) through an executive order. 

The Public Security Division of the Ministry of Home Affairs will issue a notification to this effect, targeting the group for its opposition to the country's independence.

On Tuesday (July 30), Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs Minister Anisul Haque informed reporters that Jamaat-Shibir would be banned by Wednesday. Following this announcement, he held a meeting with the home minister.

When asked about the timing of the ban, the law minister told Jago News, "You will see, wait a little." He added that the notification would come from the home ministry.

Regarding the process, officials explained that to ban a political party, the Public Security Division of the Ministry of Home Affairs sends a file to the Ministry of Law for its opinion. The Law Ministry then sends it back with their stance. If necessary, the file is also sent to the prime mMinister. Once positive opinions are received from all involved, the Public Security Division issues the ban notification.

According to the Ministry of Home Affairs, 150 people, including police officers, were killed in the violence related to the student quota movement. Private estimates suggest the number is over 200. During the unrest, state broadcaster BTV, Banani's Setu Bhavan, Mohakhali's disaster management building, and other government properties were vandalized or set on fire. The government claims that BNP and Jamaat-Shibir were involved in the violence.

On Monday (July 29), the ruling Awami League-led 14-party alliance decided to ban Jamaat-Shibir. After the meeting, Awami League General Secretary Obaidul Quader accused BNP-Jamaat of conspiring to create chaos and disrupt the country. The alliance unanimously agreed to ban Jamaat-Shibir to eliminate anti-national forces.

On Tuesday, the law minister said that Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina had instructed him to take action by Wednesday. He planned to meet with the home minister to finalise the legal process for the ban.

The minister also mentioned that banning Jamaat-Shibir would improve law and order and the political situation in the country.

The home minister, Asaduzzaman Khan, confirmed that the ban was in progress following a meeting with seven ministers and state ministers.

Jamaat-e-Islami opposed Bangladesh's independence during the 1971 Liberation War, and several of its leaders have been convicted of war crimes. The International Criminal Tribunal has termed Jamaat a "criminal organisation" for its role during the war.

Jamaat was banned in Bangladesh from 1972 to 1977 but became active again after political changes. The party participated in elections from 1986 and was part of the BNP-led coalition government formed in 2001. In 2008, Jamaat was registered as a political party, but the High Court declared the registration illegal in 2013. In 2018, the Election Commission canceled the party's registration.