Dec 10 mass rally to be held at Nayapaltan: Fakhrul

Senior Staff Reporter Published: 8 December 2022, 04:46 PM | Updated: 8 December 2022, 05:40 PM
Dec 10 mass rally to be held at Nayapaltan: Fakhrul

BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir has said the party's December 10 Dhaka divisional mass rally will be held at Nayapaltan in the capital as previously announced.

He said, "Our Dhaka divisional mass rally will be held in front of party's central office at Nayapaltan as previously announced.

"If any untoward incident happens there, the government will have to take responsibility," he said.

"We urge the government to allow to hold a peaceful rally by removing all kind of obstacles."

Mirza Fakhrul said this in a press conference at BNP chairperson's political office at Gulshan in the capital on Thursday afternoon. 

Saying that Awami League holds programs in and out of Dhaka and it itself fixes the venue, he questioned, "Why will government or police decide where BNP will hold rally?"

"BNP itself will determine location for rally, and government and police will ensure security there," he added.

Mirza Fakhrul demanded the withdrawal of police from in front of BNP's central office immediately and the unconditional release of those arrested there yesterday.

He also sought to withdraw the fictitious cases and permit BNP to hold rallies uninterruptedly as per constitutional rights.