Unpublish fake fb accounts of PM`s family : Awami League

Published: 2 August 2015, 07:04 PM
Unpublish fake fb accounts of PM`s family : Awami League

The Awami League has requested to all those operating fake Facebook accounts in the name of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and her family members to close them down on Bangladesh Awami League’s official Facebook page.

It said that fake Facebook pages are being operated in the name of Bangladesh Awami League, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the Prime Minister, her younger sister Sheikh Rehana , her daughter Saima Hossain Putul and Rehana`s son Radwan Mujib.

The accounts in their name are all fake and operated by `mischief makers’. The admin of these pages claim to be `official` - the Awami League described that as a `totally false claim`.

The Awami League post says that very often misleading updates are being posted in the accounts run in the name of Sheikh Hasina, Sheikh Rehana, Saima Putul and Radawan Mujib.

The Awami League post requested to the admin of these pages to signpost them as `Unpublished’.