Khaleda calls standing committee meeting tonight

Staff Reporter Published: 4 February 2018, 01:11 PM
Khaleda calls standing committee meeting tonight
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BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia has convened a meeting of her party’s standing committee to outline party course of action if she is convicted and landed in jail.

The meeting of the BNP policy-making body is scheduled to begin around 8.30pm at the BNP chairperson’s Gulshan office, party senior joint secretary general Ruhul Kabir Rizvi said at a press conference on Sunday.

Earlier on Saturday, Khaleda sat with her party’s key grassroots level leaders from across the country and gave necessary instructions if she is convicted in 8 February verdict and landed in jail.

In her address to the executive members, the BNP chairperson called on her party men to remain united even during her absence and to face the situation peacefully.