AL-BNP violated the conditions

Published: 5 January 2016, 09:55 AM
AL-BNP violated the conditions

The ruling Awami League and Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) has started their rallies violating the conditions of DMP.

AL arranged two rallies, one in front of its party central office on Bangabandhu Avenue and the other at Russell Square to mark the day as “Victory Day for Democracy”.

The AL rallies, one at Russel Squire and the other at Bangabandhu Avenue began at 2:30pm and another at Bangabandhu Avenue central office started at 02:45pm.

Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) started their rally at Nayapaltan central office at 02:10pm.

Both AL and BNP gathered on the roads and streets adjacent to the rally venue and block traffic.

DMP set condition for BNP not to use loudspeakers on the adjacent roads, but they set loudspeakers on the adjacent roads.

Both AL and BNP leaders and activists joined the rallies with banners and festoons.