Month of Victory begins

The glorious month of December, marking the victory of Bangladesh's Liberation War, has begun. This victory was achieved at the cost of the lives of 3 million martyrs and the sacrifice of the honour of 200,000 mothers and sisters.
The Liberation War of 1971 stands as the most significant chapter in Bangladesh’s long political history. During this historic armed struggle, the Bengali nation realized its thousand-year-old dreams of social, political, and economic emancipation.
The Bengali nation’s greatest achievement, the unforgettable and glorious final victory of the Liberation War, was secured on December 16 of this month. On this day, Bengalis gained their identity as an independent nation on the world stage. They also achieved their own territory and a national flag bearing a red sun on a green background.
The nationalism that emerged on the foundation of language found its fulfillment in the declaration of independence, which was achieved through a bloody war and culminated in victory on this day.
December, while a month of unparalleled triumph for the Bengali nation, is also tinged with sorrow, as this independence came at the cost of countless lives and the sacrifices of mothers and sisters.
During this month, the Pakistani occupation forces, with the help of their local collaborators - the Razakars, Al-Badr, and Al-Shams - engaged in the ruthless massacre of the country's intellectuals, the brightest minds of the nation. This heinous attempt to strip the nation of its intellect and potential has no parallel in world history.
From the beginning of December 1971, reports of defeats for the brutal Pakistani occupation forces began pouring in due to guerrilla attacks by freedom fighters.
On December 16, at the historic Racecourse Ground (now Suhrawardy Udyan) in Dhaka, the Pakistani forces were compelled to surrender.
Thus, the final victory in the nine-month-long bloody Liberation War was achieved, fulfilling the nation's dream of independence after a thousand years.