Students seek expulsion of Press Club president, secretary

The Anti-Discrimination Students’ Movement has demanded the expulsion of Jatiya Press Club president Farida Yeasmin, general secretary Shyamal Dutta and 49 members, alleging them instigating attacks on the protesters and smear campaign.
They also sought the expulsion of 49 members of the press club, including Prabhas Amin, Zayadul Ahsan Pintu, Mozammel Babu, Iqbal Sobahn Chowdhury, Farzana Rupa, Arif Jeptik, Subhash Singha Roy, Naem Nizam, Saiful Alam, Abed Khan, Syed Borhan Kabir, Syed Ishtiaque Reza, Soma Islam, Mithila Farzana and Nayeemul Islam Khan.
Abdul Quader and Abdul Hannan Masud, coordinators of the Anti-Discrimination Students’ Movement, made the demand in a statement on Saturday.
The platform also demanded to ban them for life in the arena of journalists.
They said they already urged the interim government take legal action against them.