Action against officials if proven buying leaked question: Public admin minister

Senior Staff Reporter Published: 11 July 2024, 04:05 PM
Action against officials if proven buying leaked question: Public admin minister
Public Administration Minister Farhad Hossain talks to media at the Bangladesh Secretariat on Thursday

Public Administration Minister Farhad Hossain said that legal action will be taken against officials if it is proven they were appointed using leaked questions from the Bangladesh Public Service Commission (BPSC). 

He made this statement in response to journalists' questions at the Secretariat on Thursday.

Syed Abed Ali, a former chauffeur of the PSC, has been implicated in leaking examination questions. 

Abed also disclosed the names of individuals who secured cadre positions using these leaked questions. When asked whether the government would take action against those appointed in this manner, Farhad Hossain emphasised that the PSC is a constitutional body responsible for its own decisions. 

He, however, noted that the Ministry of Public Administration, which oversees the PSC in Parliament, is closely monitoring the situation. The PSC chairman has already indicated that action will be taken once the allegations are proven, and efforts are currently underway to investigate the matter.

The minister assured that the government is taking the issue very seriously, with the CID giving it special attention. He confirmed that legal action would indeed be taken against any officials found to have been appointed through dishonest means or fraud.

"The proper process must be followed for any job appointment," he said. "The PSC has specific rules and any disruption to these must be addressed. We need to wait for the investigation to conclude, but the matter has already created significant concern. We are watching it closely."

He added that before any action can be taken, the allegations must be proven. "The former chauffeur making these claims has been seen supporting another political group. Until we determine whether he is telling the truth or fabricating, we must be cautious."

Farhad Hossain suggested that the former chauffeur might be part of a conspiracy aimed at damaging the government's reputation. "There are many factors at play here," he said.

"He might be working to spoil the government's image and obstruct its development efforts. Although he was fired long ago, we must carefully investigate whether his claims are genuine or politically motivated."

The minister iterated that the government is investigating the matter meticulously to determine the truth behind the allegations made by Abed Ali.