Probe body formed over forcing 2 activists out of SUST hall by BCL

An investigation committee has been formed over the beating, and forcing two activists of Bangladesh Chhatra League out of a dormitory at Shahjalal University of Science and Technology by a leader of the organization.
On behalf of the university, Syed Mujtaba Ali Hall authorities formed the three-member probe body, the dormitory Provost Dr Mohammad Abu Sayed Arfin Khan told Jago News on Friday morning.
He said, "We received allegations of forcing two students out of a dormitory, and of them, one named Saikat Roy made a written complaint. We informed the vice-chancellor about the matter and he made form an investigation committee."
Earlier on August 16 night, Azizul Islam Shimanta, leader of a group of SUST unit BCL and English Department BCL general secretary, along with some other leaders and activists of the organization beat up two activists at Syed Mujtaba Ali Hall and forced them out of the dormitory's 420 No. room over a Facebook post.
Naim Ahmed Shuvo/SU