Central Hospital sends legal notice to Dr Sangjukta Saha

The Central Hospital authority has sent a legal notice to Dr Sangjukta Saha for withdrawing her statement against the hospital over the deaths of Mahbuba Rahman Ankhi and her new born baby.
Supreme Court lawyer Mohammad Mazharul Islam sent the notice to the doctor on behalf of the hospital on Wednesday.
The lawyer himself confirmed the matter to Jago News on Thursday.
Dr Saha has been asked to withdraw her statement within seven days of receiving the notice.
The legal action will be taken if her statement is not withdrawn, the notice said.
Earlier on Tuesday, Dr Saha at a press conference blamed the Central Hospital authority over the deaths of Ankhi and her new born baby.
She said the authority did not take her consent verbally or in writing while admitting Ankhi to the hospital on June 10.
The doctor claimed the authority spoke falsely about her presence at the hospital.
“I was not in Bangladesh during Ankhi’s operation,” she said.
Ankhi, whose newborn died due to alleged wrong treatment at Central Hospital, passed away while undergoing treatment at the nearby Labaid hospital on June 18. Earlier, she was admitted to Central Hospital under the supervision of Dr Saha on June 9.