Dr Saha blames hospital authorities over deaths of mother, newborn

Staff Reporter Published: 20 June 2023, 02:24 PM | Updated: 20 June 2023, 02:28 PM
Dr Saha blames hospital authorities over deaths of mother, newborn

Dr Sangjukta Saha on Tuesday blamed the Central Hospital authorities over the deaths of Mahbuba Rahman Ankhi and her new born baby.

She said the authorities did not take her consent verbally or in writing while admitting Ankhi to the hospital on June 10.

She said this at a press conference at a building in the capital’s Paribagh.

The doctor claimed the authorities spoke falsely about her presence at the hospital. 

Read more: After newborn's death in 'wrong treatment', mother also dies

“I was not in Bangladesh during Ankhi’s operation,” the doctor said.

Ankhi was not her regular patient, she added.

She also expressed her grief over the deaths.

Ankhi, whose newborn died due to alleged wrong treatment at Central Hospital, passed away while undergoing treatment at the nearby Labaid hospital on Sunday. Earlier, she was admitted to Central Hospital under the supervision of Professor Dr Sangjukta Saha on June 9.