Private sector engagement can help human trafficking survivors to build new life

Jago News Desk Published: 15 May 2023, 05:53 PM
Private sector engagement can help human trafficking survivors to build new life

Private sector engagement in counter trafficking initiatives can help survivors of human trafficking to build new life mobilizing CSR funds and loan schemes that will ensure TIP survivors’ protection and reintegration in the family and society. 

Speakers and guests from various private sectors said at a conference titled “Private Sector Engagemnet in Counter Traffikcing Initiatives” held at BRAC Centre Inn in the capital’s Mohakhali on Monday.

The USAID’s Fight Slavery and Trafficking-In-Persons (FSTIP) Activity, implemented by Winrock International organized the conference.

The conference aimed to engage the private sector in the counter trafficking-in-persons (CTIP) initiatives in terms of participating in the prevention of trafficking incidents, ensure the market-driven economic empowerment of trafficking survivors, and provide effective and long-lasting reintegration support to survivors. Additionally, the event also assisted in creating opportunities for job placement in targeted industries for survivors and establish connection to employers for skill development, ensuring sustainable livelihoods and income-generating prospects for TIP survivors.

Presided by Susan Stamper, Chief of Party, USAID’s FSTIP Activity, distinguished guests from USAID Bangladesh and National Association of Small and Cottage Industries in Bangladesh were present in conference. 

Internationally renowned subject matter expert Matthew Scott Friedman, CEO of the Mekong Club, located in Hong Kong facilitated the session as key presenter and highlighted the scenario of human trafficking (HT) and modern slavery in Southeast Asia and emerging risks and how private sector can fight against human trafficking.

Mirza Nurul Ghani Shovon, President of Central Board of Directors, National Association of Small and Cottage Industries in Bangladesh (NASCIB) and Commercially Important Person (CIP) thanked USAID and Winrock Internationl for organizing such significant and important event for the first time as private sector of Bangladesh can play vital role to combat human trafficking across the country. 

Mirza Nurul Ghani focused that 71% modern slaves (out of 40 million) are women and children. He emphasized that use of CSR funds can support the trafficking survivors to build their new life.

Internationally renowned subject matter expert Matthew Scott Friedman, CEO of the Mekong Club presented that according to the global slavery index 2018 there are over 40,000,000 modern slaves out of which 55% are in Asia. Global statistics related to Human trafficking/forced labor shows that 15.1 million people (out of 27.6 million) are from Asia.

The Mekong Club CEO also focused on how the private sector recognize their role in the fight against trafficking in persons, particularly to ensure long-term assistance for trafficked victims, employment, and empowerment and dignified reintegration of victims of trafficking (VoT) by providing livelihood support.

The participants marked that private sector can support TIP survivors with vocational training, job placement, market linkage, or business training together with a start-up support from various sources maximizing the mobilization of CSR funds and loan schemes to ensure protection and reintegration services to survivors of TIP.

Around 100 people from amongst the members of National Association of Small and Cottage Industries in Bangladesh (NASCIB) and various other private sector representatives including different chambers of commerce an Industries, IT sector, Banking sector, hospitality sector, telecommunication, recruitment agencies including officials from FSTIP Activity, development sector and media attended the event.

USAID Asia CTIP and the Mekong Club is supporting FSTIP in brokering new private sector partnerships primarily emphasizing on the hospitality sector and some of the sectors as outlined above to effectively counter TIP in Bangladesh.-Press Release