Rich countries should come forward to ensure universal healthcare: PM

Jago News Desk Published: 11 May 2023, 10:03 PM
Rich countries should come forward to ensure universal healthcare: PM
Photo: BSS

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Thursday called upon the developed countries to support the countries which are lagging behind to ensure universal healthcare.

"Rich countries should come forward to ensure universal healthcare with disbursing the required funds. ---many countries are still lagging behind. They need assistance," she said.

She was addressing a high level programme titled 'Accelerating Universal Health Coverage Towards Smart Bangladesh' at a hotel in the city.

The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare in supported by a number of national and international organizations such as UNICEF, WHO, CRI, Suchona Foundation and Chatham House London.

The event had two parts - first part was comprised of questions to and answers from the Chief Guest, Special Guest and the Experts - which was moderated by Saima Wazed, Advisor to Director General of WHO on Mental Health and Autism, who is also an esteemed commissioner of the Chatham House Commission on Universal Health.

Former Prime Minister of New Zealand and Co-Chair of the Chatham House Commission Helen Clark also spoke at the programme as the special guest.

"A worth-mentioning fund should be created to support health and nutrition in areas that are not yet developed or that have not made much progress towards health. Because health is the root of all happiness," Sheikh Hasina said.

Calling for an international plan for universal health care, she said universal health care is very important. 

"This issue needs to be given more importance and an international plan should be made," she said.

In this connection, she said that it would be then figured out that which country needs more.

"It can be specified and health services can be ensured for all. But I believe we all need to do it together," she said.

Health Minister Zahid Maleque spoke at the function while Secretary of Health Services Division, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Dr Md Anwar Hossain Howlader gave the address of welcome.

The United Nations General Assembly is going to organize a High-Level Meeting on the UHC in September 2023.

A number of dignitaries, including ministers, MPs, national and international experts, senior officials, members of the civil society and youth leaders took part in the event.

Replying to a question from Saima Wazed that how universal healthcare can be ensured, Sheikh Hasina said an international plan for ensuring the universal health care is required. 

"Universal health care is very important. This issue needs to be given more importance and an international plan should be made," she said. 

The Premier said it should be specified which country needs more and thus health services can be ensured for all.

"But I believe, we all need to do it together," she continued.

Sheikh Hasina briefly described her government's measures to ensure providing free primary healthcare.

Thirty types of medicines and insulin are being given across the country through community clinics.

The Prime Minister said they have been recruiting nurses, doctors and training healthcare workers alongside providing maternity and post-natal services to mothers, maternity allowance and increasing the number of beds in various district and upazila hospitals.

She highlighted various initiatives of the government to reach medical services people's doorsteps by increasing the quality of services using advanced equipment, building specialised hospitals, establishing hospitals, medical colleges, and medical universities.

"In such way, we are taking health services to people's doorsteps," she added.

Apart from the measures, Sheikh Hasina said, Bangladesh has taken comprehensive measures that include cleanliness, providing sanitary latrines and fresh water to the people.

Health services are not mean only giving treatment or medicine, but also ensuring its food security and nutritional security, she opined.

Referring to the success of the government in the health sector, the Prime Minister said that it should not be forgotten that a small piece of land with huge population is very difficult to manage.

"Still we are trying and we have achieved significant success," she said.

Sheikh Hasina said her government had been working to reach all kinds of services to doorsteps alongside the healthcare.

Mentioning increasing of the budget-allocation in the health sector, the Prime Minister said that every time they provide a large part of the budget for the healthcare. 

"Even if it is two percent in GDP, we are providing much more than that," she said.

She mentioned the issue of tax reduction on import of medical equipment and tax exemption on import of medical equipment for children in the private sector as well as for the government institutions.

Highlighting various measures and successes of the government to alleviate poverty, Sheikh Hasina said, "We are very successful in alleviating poverty." 

She said that in 2006 the poverty rate was 41 percent while it is reduced to 18.7 percent at present.

"Our extreme poverty was above 25 percent, but it has come down to 5.6 percent, this will not remain static. We are taking measures for everyone through social security programme so no one will remain poor anymore," she said.

Informing about the use of information technology in hospitals at different levels including district and upazila to monitor service activities, the Prime Minister said that the monitoring system will be strengthened by increasing the use of information technology in the days to come.

Source: BSS