Man injured in Gulshan shooting

Staff Reporter Published: 15 January 2023, 07:20 PM
Man injured in Gulshan shooting

A man was injured in a shooting at Gulshan-1 in capital Dhaka on Sunday afternoon over money exchange.

The injured has been identified as Aminul but his detailed identity could not be known yet.

Deputy commissioner of Gulshan Division of Dhaka Metropolitan Police Md Abdul Ahad confirmed the matter to Jago News.

He said two people - injured Aminul, and Ohidul - opened fire on each other in front of a restaurant named Gloria Jean's Coffees around 4 pm, leaving one hurt.

Police took both of them in their custody and were verifying the license of their firearms and name-address, he added.

Police primarily knew that the firing ensued over money exchange and details can be informed later, DC Ahad also said.