IU female student's body recovered

University Correspondent Islamic University
Published: 9 September 2022, 03:19 PM | Updated: 9 September 2022, 05:17 PM
IU female student's body recovered

Police have recovered the body of a female student of Islamic University (IU), Kushtia from Gangni upazila of Meherpur district.

Deceased Nishat Tasnim Urmi was a graduate student of the 2017-18 academic year in the Folklore Studies department and the wife of Asfakuzzaman Prince, son of Hasem Shah, the proprietor of Padma Enterprise in Gangni.

Police recovered the body from Gangni Upazila Health Complex on Thursday night but relatives alleged that her in-laws' people staged a drama bringing her to the hospital after killing her.

It was learned that Urmi developed a love relationship with Prince during studying in school and subsequently they married. The couple has a 13-month-old son.

Urmi's father Golam Kibria said her father-in-law Hasem on Thursday night informed them that she was taken to Gangni Upazila Health Complex after she had fallen sick but later, claimed that she hanged herself from the window.

Mentioning that Urmi's body bore several injury marks, Kibria alleged her daughter was murdered and now they (in-laws' people) are trying to establish her death as a suicide case.

Gangni Police Station sub-inspector Shahin said the body was sent to hospital morgue and an unnatural death case was lodged in this connection.

Rumi Noman/SU