Attacker Nibras’ family apologises to all

Published: 6 July 2016, 08:36 AM
Attacker Nibras’ family apologises to all

Parents of Nibras Islam, one of the attackers of Gulshan terrorist attack, on Wednesday apologised to the nation, all the people in the world and the bereaved family members who lost their near and dear ones in Bangladesh’s worst ever attack in its capital’s diplomatic zone.

They also demanded stern action against those who pushed their children towards the danger.

‘We’re ashamed of knowing that our son involved in Gulshan’s Holey Artisan restaurant. We apologise to the entire nation, the people of the country and the international community,’ said Nibras’ father M Nazrul Islam in a written statement.

They said they believe law enforcement agencies will arrest and give exemplary punishment to those who pushed young people like their son towards such danger.