Again strict lockdown if health rules aren’t obeyed: Quader

Jago News Desk Published: 25 April 2021, 06:15 PM | Updated: 25 April 2021, 07:51 PM
Again strict lockdown if health rules aren’t obeyed: Quader

Awami League General Secretary and Road Transport and Bridges Minister Obaidul Quader on Sunday said everyone will have to follow the health guidelines properly if the public transport services resume after the end of the current lockdown.

“If health guidelines aren’t followed after the resumption of public transport services, the government will be compelled to enforce strict lockdown again,” he said while addressing a food aid and Covid-19 protective equipment distribution ceremony at the AL president’s Dhanmondi political office here.

From his official residence, Quader virtually joined the function arranged by AL sub-committee on relief and social welfare.

He said the government has given permission to keep open shopping malls, markets and shops in day time properly maintaining health guidelines.

The minister urged the shop owners and all others to follow the health guidelines realizing the situation and its danger.

“You all must wear facemasks and follow health guiltiness so that the government need not to enforce lockdown or shut shopping malls and markets again,” he said.

He said all concerned must have to follow health guidelines when the public transport services will resume.

“Earlier, we witnessed that health guidelines were followed in some vehicles, weren’t followed in some others,” he mentioned.

But when the transport services will resume on limited scale on conditions of following health guidelines, none should misuse the scope, he said.

The minister said if the vehicles carry passengers more than half of their seating capacities, carry passengers standing or realize additional fare than designated one and do not abide by the conditions, the government will be bound to enforce lockdown again.

Source: BSS