‘Tailback not to be ensued for road in Eid’

Published: 20 June 2016, 12:28 PM
‘Tailback not to be ensued for road in Eid’

Giving instructions to stop road and bridge repairs on government holidays to reduce traffic jams during the Eid-ul-Fitr Road transport and bridges minister Obaidul Quader said home bound people will enjoy this year’s journey as there are no possibilities of traffic jam.

Road and communication situation across the country is far better than past, so Eid journey will be enjoyable, he said during his visit to Dhaka-Mymensingh Highway construction work on Monday noon.

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina will inaugurate Bus Rapid Transit construction work on June 26, he said.

Earlier, he said that the government has prepared a detailed 32-point plan to control highway traffic, avoid untoward situations and ensure comfortable commutes during the Eid-ul-Fitr.

For the first time, 1,000 volunteers will be deployed at 14 intersections between Dhaka and nearby five districts to handle additional pressure of vehicles during the Eid season. 

Members of the BNCC, Rover Scout and social organizations will assist traffic police to reduce traffic jams.

Goods-laden trucks and covered vans will not be allowed on the highways for three days before and after Eid, unless they were carrying emergency products like medicine.

As an added measure to reduce passenger pressure, Eid holidays will start and end on different dates at RMG factories.