Fahim on 10-day remand

Published: 17 June 2016, 01:25 PM
Fahim on 10-day remand

A court in Madaripur placed Faijullah Fahim on 10 days remand over an attack on Ripon Chakrabarty, a teacher of Government Nazimuddin University College.

Investigation Officer Bariul Islam produced Fahim before the court praying 15 days remand but the court granted 10 days remand.

Earlier on Thursday night Sub Inspector of Sadar Thana Ayub Ali filed a case mentioning six names including Fahim following the attack.

SI Ayub Ali said, after the interrogation, Fahim mentioned another five names whose were the involved in the attack.

They are- Salman Taskin, Shahriar Hasan, Jahin, Rayhan and Mezbah.

Officer-in-charge of Madaripur Sadar Thana Jiaul Morshed said, Fahim confessed that he is a member of banned militant outfit Jama’atul Mujahideen Bangladesh.