Momena’s expectations terminate after 12 years

Staff Reporter Published: 14 June 2016, 11:21 AM | Updated: 2 August 2019, 04:26 PM
Momena’s expectations terminate after 12 years

Momena Khatun, a resident of Satkhira district was waiting… waiting for 12 years for a flower. Momena has planted a flower tree 12 years ago in her house but her trees didn’t offer her any flowers in past one decade.

After 12 years her waiting comes to end. Her planted flower tree gives her joy with flowers. She noticed that flower plants decorated with several flowers on Tuesday, which were bloomed at dead of night and with the morning when sun rise it closed.


Momena khatun said, I have been waiting for flower which planted twelve years ago. The tree has known as night queen. After twelve years later it blooms flower and I am happy for this.