92 online news portals get approval

Jago News Desk Published: 4 September 2020, 08:22 PM
92 online news portals get approval

The government on Friday gave primary approval to 92 online news portals across the country.

The information ministry confirmed the matter as the decision in this regard was taken on Thursday, a press release said.

The ministry said as part of a continuous process of registering the online news portals, the primary approval has been given to the news portals of 92 newspapers.

Among the news portals of the dailies which were initially allowed to register, 56 are in Dhaka, 10 in Chittagong, 4 each in Rajshahi, Khulna, Barisal and Rangpur, 6 in Sylhet and 2 in Mymensingh.

According to the decision, the online portals of the 92 news portals were initially allowed to register as part of the ongoing process.

Following the government rules, the registration needs to be completed within 20 working days by depositing the required fee.

Earlier, on July 30, 34 online news portals were given this approval.

Source: BSS