Quader calls for bringing back patients’ confidence in hospitals

Jago News Desk Published: 18 July 2020, 05:25 PM | Updated: 18 July 2020, 06:37 PM
Quader calls for bringing back patients’ confidence in hospitals

Road Transport and Bridges Minister Obaidul Quader on Saturday called upon the authorities concerned to bring back the patients’ confidence in hospitals ensuring proper health environment during the ongoing coronavirus (Covid-19) crisis.

“Due to various reasons, crisis of trust has been created among patients towards hospitals. I would like to say that you bring back people’s trust in hospitals and create a congenial environment as patients spontaneously come to hospitals,” he said seeking responsible role from authorities concerned to this end.

Quader, also Awami League General Secretary, was addressing an online regular press conference on contemporary issues from his official residence on the premises of Parliament, reports BSS.

Referring to media reports that hospital authorities want to shut down the facilities due to scarcity of patients, the minister said at this stage of viral infections, the number of patients is not little rather there are general patients too and under this circumstances, it is not any solution to keep hospitals shut down.

He said experts have alerted that if the rate of infections cannot be controlled now, it can reach its higher level so public gathering must be avoided during the forthcoming Eid-ul-Azha, one of the biggest religious festivals of the Muslims, which marks the sacrifice of animals.

The road transport minister said though the government decided to keep on vehicular operation during the festival, everyone must remain alert to keep themselves safe from being infected by the deadly virus maintaining health guidelines strictly during the Eid journey.

“We must maintain all-out social distancing rules at cattle markets, lunch-bus terminals, railway stations, ferry ghats and other areas during Eid journey and wearing facemasks is a must,” he said.

Quader urged people to keep themselves alert so that their journey in earning livelihood to safeguard their lives could not push lives in danger.

Pointing to BNP, the AL general secretary said from the outset, a quarter has capitalized on spreading anti-government hatred speeches as their mantra to discharge their responsibilities towards the country and its people.

Instead of extending their support to the government’s ongoing drives against corruption and irregularities, they are out to make blind criticism of the government acts, he added.

Ruling out BNP’s allegation to patronizing irregularities, Quader said corruption had got an institutional shape with making the soil safe haven of corrupts during the BNP regime.

“Could you take such a bold step similar to that of now? Could you do anything beyond party circumference? Couldn’t you,” he said.

Making joke over the ongoing government’s move against irregularities and corruption actually is suitable for those who staged ‘Joj Miah’ drama during the trial in August 21 grenade attack cases, he added.

“It is natural that those who stage drama will find drama in everything,” he said.

The minister said the present AL government under the leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has taken a zero tolerance policy against corruption and took the steps against all wrongdoers irrespective of party identities but no other government did so in the past.

“The government of Sheikh Hasina is very strict against corruption. Nobody is beyond accountability. The government will not spare any wrongdoings as corrupts has no party identity,” he said.

Due to fraudulence and forgery of some people, Quader said, the hopes and aspirations of the masses cannot be captive. “The people’s dream and restledss efforts to have a prosperous nation cannot go in vein,” he added.