A dream hawker

Published: 13 August 2015, 06:09 PM
A dream hawker

In 2004, the class 6 going boy, as usual after going to school heard that his best friend had been cast out of class for not wearing uniform. This incident had hurt him very much. His friend could not buy uniform that is why that boy was cast out. The boy’s friend father is a day-laborer; he could not afford to buy his son a uniform. Still, if there is a will, there is a way. The boy used his saved money and helped his friend to buy a uniform, which he had saved from his Tiffin fees. From childhood, that boy wanted to work for the children eagerly.

After this, life turned a bit. In sponsorship of save the children, Australia, that boy participated in the national children assembly as the representation of Barisal Zillah children, first experience of travelling Dhaka. Working for and with children, establishing their rights, reciting, drawing, acting, reading, writing competition and child-leader famed boy is Md. Sajib Khandakar (Junaid). Everyone knows him as Sajib.

In HSC, securing 4.80, got admitted into Brojomohon (B.M) University in political science. He is in his second year and works as the education and literature editor of the Journalist Association. From class 6, through different thought about children “named association Sajib started working for children.

In Barisal, he wanted to develop the rights of the children and in his time, he took the noble duty of educating two children’s. From here, his work started by taking the responsibility of National Children Task Force and after that, took responsibility of the total NCTF Organization.

Through Mass Live Media Centre, he proceeded to journalism. Next as a member of NCTF, getting training on child journalism. Sajib was attracted to child journalist, he started writing on NCTF’s quarterly magazine “Children Speech”.

After that, Barisal’s daily “Sattya Shangbad’s” editor Meer Monirujjaman gave him the duty to write about children. As a result, Sajib on the 2nd position in “Mina Media Award Printing Report-Under 18”, Organized by UNICEF. He was awarded a crest and 25,000/- Tk in a grand function in Dhaka. Sajib wanted to review about the abuses done to children through his writing. At present times, he is working as the Youth Volunteer of Plan International with National Children Task Force.

As part of his work he is working with NCTC in Barisal. Bhola and Jhalakati District. In August, 2013. Planned Parenthood Federation South Asia Regional Office Organized a 5 days training in Bangkok with the co-operation of Family Planning Association of Bangladesh, in which Sajib took part in the 5 member team as a Young Journalist. He also worked as the speaker of FPAB’s Young Journalist’s Association. Sajib is going forward with a view to becoming a quality journalist after finishing his study. He is the most junior among his family but his responsibility was big. After his father’s death in 2006, he was broken apart and maintaining his own expenses was very difficult for him.

Sajib didn’t forget those people who helped him that time. Barisal district’s Children official Pankaj Rai Chowdhury, Editor Meer Monirujjaman, Sultan Mahmud of Save the children, Meer Rezaul Karim, Abu Jafar, Faruk Alam of Plan International, Bangladesh, FPAB’s Helal Rafiq to all these people Shajib is thankful.

Sajib started that, few people thinks about the children of Bangladesh and he wants to change the society with all class of Childs. No should be deprived of rights as they are not just the future, they are the present as well. Sajib has 38 Certificates, Crests, Books and various other prizes award from National and Local Competition. Sajib said that, as a candle can light the whole world a child can change it as well. He wishes to change the whole world with children. He dreams that someone from Bangladesh may work as the president of United Nations.

Sajib wishes to change the world with youths as well as to help properly those who are the authorized persons. He is working on behalf of the youth’s of Bangladesh to establish a Universal peace home in the United Nations and to organize seminars consisting of youths of Bangladesh. He wishes to introduce the youths of Bangladesh to the world s role models. He wishes to ensure every Childs shelter and food. In 21-24th November, 2014, he took part in a work station in Nepal as young journalist, organized by SAARC People’s Summit, where he represented the plan of Bangladesh for reaching the MDG target for children and youth. Bangladesh government should arrange, special session for child development and Sajib is proposing this through his writings and he should present this before the world. Recently he received to Young Bangla Youth Awards-2015.

Sajib wishes to be a journalist of British Broadcast Centre (BBC).

Now, Sajib is working in a association named “Youth Voice” which helps the under developed youth in order to acquire their rights, proper evolution, equal participation etc. Its main theme is “Love for Youth”. This organization works to ensure Bangladesh as the first youth oriented country, to represent the world that the youth of Bangladesh can do a lot if they are given the opportunity, Bangladesh will become unemployment free country by 2021. Bangladesh can be a role model in the world; it will become the perfect example of world peace.

This dreamful person now hawks dream in every sphere of life, that’s why he is now “The Dream Hawker”.