Patuakhali put on lockdown

District Correspondent Patuakhali
Published: 19 April 2020, 04:19 PM
Patuakhali put on lockdown

The local administration in Patuakhali on Sunday put the district on lockdown in an effort to curb the spread of the novel coronavirus.

As a result of the restrictions, none can enter the district and leave it until further notice. 

Deputy commissioner Md Motiul Islam Chowdhury said the district was locked down to contain the spread of COVID-19 as neighbouring districts Barishal and Barguna took the same measure. 

During the period, transport shutdown will remain effective within the district too, the DC said, adding that vehicles used for emergency services will remain exempted from the restrictions.

A person contracted the deadly virus and another died from the epidemic Patuakhali, said civil surgeon Zahangir Alam.

Coronavirus kept spreading to newer districts of Bangladesh since the country first confirmed its cases of the deadly virus on March 8. 

Some 2,456 people caught the novel coronavirus and 91 died from the virus in the country as of Sunday.