Charitable art exhibition ‘Art for Dream’ ended up with positive hope

Jago News Desk Published: 26 September 2019, 06:02 PM
Charitable art exhibition ‘Art for Dream’ ended up with positive hope

The British Council in partnership with LEEDO and Gallery KARIKOR organised an art exhibition titled as, ‘Art for Dream’ recently at the British Council, Fuller Road, says a press release.  

The exhibition was held over three consecutive days from 09.00 A.M. to 08.00 P.M. and opened for all.

On 31 August a day-long art camp was held at Peace Home, Washpur, Keraniganj participated by street connected children. Renowned artist and right activist Shahana Mojumder was the mentor of the camp.

Those paintings were exhibited in this art exhibition. Shahana Mojumder also donated her artworks for the noble cause as the event was purely for charitable purpose so the fund raised from it was donated to LEEDO for the development of street connected children’s life and lifestyle.

The inaugural ceremony of this event was held on Thursday, 19 September at Peace Home, Washpur, Keraniganj attended by a delegation team of British MPs led by Anne Main, MP honorable president of Conservative Friends of Bangladesh (CFOB), honorable deputy chairperson of Conservative Party, UK and vice president of CFOB Paul Stuart Scully. Other members of the delegation team were Mr. Mahfuz Ahmed chairman of CFOB, Abdus Hamid deputy chairman of CFOB and others.


On the closing day an artist talk was held at the library premises of the British Council where artist and mentor Shahana Mojumder, child artist Jesmin Akter and Forhad Hossain, Executive Director of LEEDO were present. 

In their speech they talked about the campaign, future plans regarding it and the importance of child protection. “This type of creative event helps the traumatised children to get rid from trauma and it works like mental therapy to refresh their mind” stated Forhad Hossain, Executive Director of LEEDO. 

“This kind of initiative will help to find out latent talent from them and it will help them to become extrovert which is very essential now” stated artist & activist Shahana Mojumder.

The exhibition was dedicated to Farid Babu (11), a child who participated in the art camp held on 31 August 2019, but left us for eternity on 15 September 2019, suffering from thalassemia and epilepsy disease.