Reports on plastic rice baseless: Razzak

Staff Reporter Published: 6 February 2019, 02:24 PM
Reports on plastic rice baseless: Razzak

The Agriculture Minister Dr Abdur Razzak has said the reports of plastic rice are baseless as the rice which was seized in Gaibandha on suspicion of plastic rice is real rice.

The minister said this on Wednesday while talking to the reports after holding a meeting with US Ambassador in Bangladesh Robert Miller. 

“I talked about the matter with the Deputy Commissioner and Deputy Director of the Agriculture. They went to the spot and collected the rice that was examined through cocking. It proved it is real rice and not made with plastic,” the minister said.  

Earlier on Monday, law enforcers seized some rice from a shop in Gaibandha after getting allegation of plastic rice. 

Later, the rice was sent to the lab of the Directorate of National Consumer Rights Protection for a test.