Ministry refutes JKS data on road crash

Jago News Desk Published: 1 July 2018, 05:23 PM
Ministry refutes JKS data on road crash

Road Transport and Bridges Ministry on Sunday refuted the data of Jatri Kallyan Samity (JKS) on road accidents and casualties alongside injuries across the country.

According to a statement issued by the ministry, 152 people were killed and 355 others were injured in 103 road accidents from June 12 to 24 across the country.

But the JKS said in a press conference that 339 people were killed during the same period in road crashes across the country, which, the statement said, is not correct.

The ministry collected information on road accidents across the country from public-private hospitals, BRTA’s district level offices and police record from June 12 to 24, the statement said.

It said JKS, an organization having no registration, has been spreading baseless and distorted information tactfully aimed at creating confusions among the people.

Presently, the ministry has been implementing the Prime Minister’s five-point directive on road safety involving all stakeholders.

The ministry is committed to reduce road accidents by 50 percent by 2021 as per the SDG target, the statement said. It urged the common people not to be misled by the JKS’s baseless and distorted information on road accident.

Source: BSS