UK sends vital humanitarian aid for Rohingya

International Desk Published: 5 October 2017, 07:00 AM
UK sends vital humanitarian aid for Rohingya

The UK Government's Department for International Development (DfID) has sent vital humanitarian aid for Rohingya who have fled to Bangladesh to escape violence in Myanmar, reports BSS.

The relief supplies include 10,000 shelter kits, 10,500 sleeping mats and 20,000 blankets, said a British High Commission press release issued here today.

It said distribution of these items began on Wednesday and would continue over the course of next week in collaboration with International Organisation for Migration (IOM) to help improve the lives of thousands of Rohingya, living in makeshift settlements around Kutupalong and Balukhali.

The British government has already announced 30 million pounds of funding to meet the urgent humanitarian needs of the Rohingya who have arrived in Bangladesh since 25 August.