PM accepts offer of UN water panel membership

Published: 8 February 2016, 03:12 AM
PM accepts offer of UN water panel membership
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Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina accepted a proposal of UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon for becoming a member of a UN High-level Panel on Water as the UN secretary general phoned the Premier at 8pm on Sunday.

Confirming the matter, PM’s Press Secretary Ihsanul Karim told that, after exchanging greetings, the UN secretary general offered the proposal of becoming a member of the panel to the premier which she accepted.

Moon also said a conference of the UN Police will be held at the UN headquarters in New York in June this year and requested Sheikh Hasina to send a high-level Bangladesh delegation to the conference.

On the other hand, the Prime Minister told the UN secretary general that a conference titled ‘Global Forum on Migration and Development’ is going to be organized in Dhaka in December this year and invited Ban Ki-moon to attend it.

While talking about the current political situation in Bangladesh, the Premier informed the UN secretary general that the situation in Bangladesh is stable and all political parties are participating in local government polls at union council level.