Seminar on Green Technology held at DU

Published: 30 January 2016, 01:31 PM
Seminar on Green Technology held at DU

An international seminar on "Green Technology and Society" organized by the Bangladesh Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Alumni Association (BJSPSAA) held at the Institute of Nutrition and Food Sciences (INFS) of Dhaka University (DU) on Saturday.

DU Vice-Chancellor Prof Dr AAMS Arefin Siddique inaugurated the seminar as the chief guest.

President of BJSPSAA Prof Dr Md Afzal Hossain presided over the inaugural function while DU Pro-Vice Chancellor (Academic) Prof Dr Nasreen Ahmad and FAO Representative in Bangladesh Mike Robson addressed it as special guests.

Vice-Chancellor of United International University Prof. Dr. Mohammad Rezwan Khan delivered the key-note speech on "Solar Energy: Bangladesh Perspective".

Vice-Chancellor of Pabna Science and Technology University Prof. Al-Nakib Chowdhury, General Secretary of BJSPSAA Dr. Nur Ahamed Khondaker and Organizing Secretary Dr. Mizanur Rahman also addressed the function.

Prof Siddique urged the researchers to work hard in reaching the benefits of research to the doorsteps of general public in the country.

He said both the society and the scientific research should go forward together to make Bangladesh a country of green technology. He stressed the need for generating new knowledge as well as environment-friendly technologies to build a sustainable society.

The DU VC thanked the Japanese Embassy in Dhaka for providing cooperation to organize the seminar on such a burning issue.

He also recalled the allout support and cooperation of Japanese government during the Liberation War in 1971.