Bangladesh seeks to change in Agartala-Akhaura railroad

Published: 28 May 2017, 01:58 PM
Bangladesh seeks to change in Agartala-Akhaura railroad

At the beginning of the establishment of Indo-Bangladesh railway link, Bangladesh has proposed to change in the working plan because of certain problems in the execution part of the project, reports Webindia123.

Indian officials on Sunday stated that in the recently held district magistrate level meeting at Comilla of Bangladesh, the issue was raised by Bangladesh officials. Accordingly, Indian Railway Construction Company (IRCON) has been asked to propose a new route map and once the route map is sanctioned the construction work will begin.

Indian and Bangladesh governments have decided to start a new rail link to ease surface transport. India will build a 15-km railway tracks linking Tripura`s capital Agartala with Bangladesh`s south-eastern city of Akhaura, an important railway junction connected to Chittagong port, resource-rich Sylhet and Dhaka.

An agreement to implement the railway project was signed between India`s former Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh and Bangladesh Premier Sheikh Hasina during her visit to India in January 2010.

The IRCON would lay the new railway tracks on both sides of the border. Of the 15 km rail line, five km of tracks fall in the Indian Territory. India has been keen to establish the Agartala-Akhaura rail link as it would facilitate easier connectivity between West Bengal and northeastern states through Bangladesh.