Intelligence agency sees foreign conspiracy against RMG sector

Published: 25 May 2017, 02:09 PM
Intelligence agency sees foreign conspiracy against RMG sector

Some international organizations and foreign diplomats are trying to unstable the country’s RMG industry, an intelligence agency alleged.

They are also alert for the upcoming general election, according to the report, which was already submitted to the Prime minister office.

The recent activities of the US and the Swedish ambassadors to Dhaka including three foreign organizations have been suspected, the report mentioned.

The report alleged that they gave directions to the labour leaders to continue their movement against trade unions including several issues.

The members of the organization along with the ambassadors met labours leader in several times. They gave several directions to them, the intelligence report mentioned.

Union backed several people and organizations are doing suspected activities in this sector, the report has alleged.

The intelligence report said, the workers of the factories in Ashulia started work abstention demanding their minimum monthly wage be increased. A turmoil situation was created during that time in the area but the law enforcing agency brought the situation under control as per the government directions.

The foreign people are working to create unrest situation in RMG sector. It is alarming for this industry, the report said.

On April 10, the intelligence report was sent to the Principal Secretary to the Prime Minister office, Industries Secretary, and Public Security Division Secretary of Home Ministry.


US and European Union backed people and organizations in Bangladesh are working to create pressure on the government with an aim to the country’s upcoming general election as part of their suspecting activities, they have tried to make unrest in the sector, it also added.

Earlier on March 10, Mercia Bernicat, US ambassador to Bangladesh, met labour leaders at Bangladesh Garments and Industrial labour Federation office at Ashulia. She said that the government should approve more trade unions, increasing labour wages and other facilities for the betterment of the labours. She assured to give legal and financial support to the arrested labours of the Ashulia’s incident, the report added.

However, an allegation was brought against Johan Frisell, Swedish ambassador to Dhaka, that he also emphasized to establish trade union.

Referring to his country’s trade union is very strong, he said, “Trade union is one kind of human rights”. He believed that “Trade union played a vital role to establish labour rights”. He made those remarks on March 8 while addressing a meeting organized by “National Garments Workers Federation” at Reporters’ Unity in Dhaka after listening the experience of some young labours and leaders, the report said.

The report has mentioned three international organizations - Industrial Global Union, The Solidarity Centre and The world Trade Union Federation - creating dissatisfaction among the labours.

Earlier on March 6, a meeting was held between Jaf Bok, Director of the Solidarity Centre, and the leaders of Industrial Global Union Council in the capital’s Gulshan. During that meeting, Jaf Bok wanted to know how many trade unions are in Bangladesh and other organizations. Industrial Global Union Council has proposed to establish a total of 246 unions, the report said.

The Country Director called on leaders of Industrial Bangladesh Council on 6,11,12,19 January respectively in Gulshan. He (Jaf Bok) said them to appoint lawyer and consent to give financial support for the Ashulia victims, who were arrested during the movement. He also directed in the meeting that they should continue their effort to increase their wages, it also mentioned.


Apurbo Kayer, an India National and also Regional Secretary (South Asia) of Industrial Global Union, visited Bangladesh from January 23-27 this year. During his visit, he held a meeting with the leaders of Industrial Bangladesh Council at BILS office at Dhanmondi. He was talking about the Ashulia’s situation and also emphasizing to form more trade unions in the country.

Referring to the activities of the World Federation of Trade Unions, the Intelligence said, George Mavricos, Secretary of the organization, visited Bangladesh from February 3 to 5. During his visit, he met leaders of affiliates (approval) organizations at Banquet Hall of Hotel Asia.

 He also called on leaders of federation on February 4. He emphasized to form trade union to attain their rights.

On February 5, he also mentioned to create strong unions for the labours to fulfil their demands while addressing a rally at Mahanagar Natya Mancha in Dhaka.

The United States Government continues to support the labor rights enshrined in Bangladesh’s commitments to international labor standards, US embassy replied through an e-mail when contacted by Jago News.

The United States believes every worker has the right to choose their workplace representative, the e-mail also read.

Labor rights should be above politics, it stressed.

(The article originally published in Bangla edition of is written in English by Zobaer Ahmed)