44 years of Bangabandhu’s Julio-Curie award today

Published: 23 May 2017, 03:11 AM
44 years of Bangabandhu’s Julio-Curie award today

Different political and socio-cultural organizations will celebrate 44 years of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman`s receiving the Julio-Curie award today amid holding various programmes in the capital and elsewhere in the country, reports BSS.

The programmes include placing wreaths at the portrait of Father of Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, seminar, discussion and providing "Bangabandhu Shanti Padak," orgnaised by the `Julio-Curio Bangabandhu Shanti Sangsad`.

World Peace Council awarded Julio Curie Peace Prize to Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman for his being a symbol of world peace on May 23, 1973.

President M Abdul Hamid and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina today issued separate messages greeting countrymen on the occasion.

They recalled the outstanding contribution and sacrifices of Bangabandhu in the welfare of the country and its people with due respect saying that this great leader spent his whole life to ensure people`s economic emancipation and build a "Sonar Bangla" free from all sorts of hunger, poverty, illiteracy and exploitations.

President Hamid, in his message, said Father of the Nation was an unparallel leader of freedom-living, oppressed and working people - who dedicated to his whole life to establish peace, equity, independence and democracy.

Due to his charismatic leadership quality and personality, statesman-like talents and human values, the President said people were united at his call to fight in the War of Liberation in 1971.

Abdul Hamid said Bangabandhu successfully established a new political philosophy incorporating four principals - democracy, socialism, secularism and nationalism in country`s Constitution.

He lauded the initiatives of Bangabandhu Sangsad for taking pragmatic steps to preserve the history of Julio-Curio award and uphold its significance to the mass people.

In her message Prime Minster Sheikh Hasina greeted the countrymen on the occasion saying, "The Julio-Curio Peace Prize award was the first ever international award as the recognition of the contribution of Father of the Nation to people of the country as well as across the world."

Referring to Bangabandhu`s foreign policy, "Friendship towards all, malice towards none", the premier said Bangladesh Awami League, assuming in the office always follows it being imbued to principles and ideologies of Bangabandhu.

She called upon all to provide combine efforts to build a hunger and poverty-free, happy-prosperous "Sonar Bangla" earlier dreamt by Father of the Nation.