Public Varsity’s back to life

Published: 20 January 2016, 04:37 AM
Public Varsity’s back to life

Public University’s has backed to life again as its teachers returned to their academic activities from Wednesday morning after postponing their ongoing indefinite work abstention.

The Federation of Bangladesh University Teachers Association (FBUTA) enforced their strike on January 11 demanding to reduce paying discrimination in eight national pay scales.

After getting assurance from Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Monday, the public university teachers decided to postpone their ongoing indefinite work abstention on Tuesday.

The leaders sat for a meeting at Muzaffar Ahmed Chowdhury auditorium of the Social Science Faculty of Dhaka University around 5:30pm and postponed their ongoing indefinite work abstention in all 37 public universities.

Secretary General of FBUTA Professor Dr ASM Maksud Kamal said that the decision was taken after the Prime Minister assurance of taking steps in resolving the issue of ‘pay disparity’.