DSCC-DU launch cleanliness campaign

Published: 17 January 2016, 09:58 AM
DSCC-DU launch cleanliness campaign

Dhaka University (DU) and Dhaka South City Corporation (DSCC) on Sunday launched a cleanliness campaign on the DU campus.

The theme of the campaign is "Our awareness is the strength of change".

DSCC Mayor Mohammad Sayeed Khokon inaugurated the programme as the chief guest with DU Vice-Chancellor Professor Dr AAMS Arefin Siddique in the chair.

Sayeed Khokon said the university would lead the operation as it led all movements of the country.

He said "We want to offer a clean city to our next generation. For this, all the city dwellers have to play the role of a mayor to keep the city tidy."

Arefin Siddique called upon all to keep clean the campus, classroom, residence, office and roads and said the cleaning operation will have to continue for everyday.

He thanked the city mayor for declaration of 2016 as the year of cleanliness.