23 held during return from India

Published: 13 January 2016, 04:52 AM
23 held during return from India

Twenty three Bangladeshis, including thirteen women and ten men were held while they were returning home from India through Benapole border on Wednesday.

Subedar of BGB Beanpole check post ICP camp said, BGB personnel detained them whose went to India in different times with the allure of higher wages and better jobs.

Any trafficker was not held in this connection, he added.

The detainees, hailed from Jessore, Narail and Barisal, were handed over to the Benapole port thana.

A case was filed against them with the thana under section-11c of code of criminal procedure.

Benapole port thana Assistant Sub-Inspector Motiar Rahman said, they will be handed over to Jessore court later on the day.