About 60 British MPs laud Bangladesh’s ongoing development

Published: 28 March 2017, 03:04 PM
About 60 British MPs laud Bangladesh’s ongoing development

Some 60 members of the British Parliament have lauded Bangladesh’s ongoing development efforts under the leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.

In an historic event on Monday in the Palace of Westminster’s Terrace Pavilion on-looking the Thames River, they said Bangladesh has made significant progress and they would stand by this South Asian country in its efforts to better the lives of its people.

The MPs said it was an historic and first-ever such large gathering of British lawmakers in an event like the one hosted by UK Chapter of Bangladesh Awami League, according to a message received here today.

UK Awami League president Sultan Mahmud Shariff and general secretary Syed Shazidur Rahman Faruk who organised the major event marking the 46th anniversary of Bangladesh’s Independence and National Day confirmed that 53 MPs signed the register and there were about 60 lawmakers who joined the event.

State Minister for Foreign Affairs Shahriar Alam, who was the chief guest on the occasion, thanked the British lawmakers for joining the celebration by UK Awami League, and said the party “under the leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina have made significant progress in social and economic areas, and very much on the road to become a Middle Income country by 2021.”

“We need the continued support and assistance of the UK government and the private bodies in our journey in fulfilling the goals to turn Bangladesh into a ‘Sonar Bangla’, as dreamt by Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman,” he said.

Among others three Bangladeshi-British MPs- Tulip Siddiq, Rupa Huq and Rushna Ali- along with some 60 lawmakers from the Conservative Party, Labour Party, Liberal Democrats and Scottish National Party briefly spoke on the occasion.

Bangladesh High Commissioner to Britain M. Nazmul Quaunine also addressed on the occasion.

Shahriar Alam and the MPs condemned terrorist acts across the globe, especially those that took place in Britain and Bangladesh recently.

Tulip Siddiq, an MP from the Labour Party, said everyone should be alert against acts of terrorism. “Terrorists do not represent Islam or Muslims, but resort to violence to fulfill their own needs.”

“I have never seen so many MPs together in any event,” she added excitingly as Bangabandhu’s grand-daughter was cheered by the guests.

Many MPs shouted “Joy Bangla” at the end of their speeches.

Source: BSS