Fire guts over 1,000 shanties at Korail slum

Published: 16 March 2017, 10:08 AM
Fire guts over 1,000 shanties at Korail slum

At least 1,000 shanties were gutted in a fire that broke out in a slum at Mohakhali area in the capital last night.

The fire broke out around 2:55am at Korail slum, said an official of Fire Service and Civil Defence headquarters.

On information, 18 fire fighting units rushed to the spot and doused the blaze early Thursday.

Jago news learnt that, thousands of shanties were destroyed in fire inside the slam.

Nilu Karmakar, one of the slum dwellers, possibly in his 40s said he has been living in the slum with his family members for last 8 years. He lost everything. He can’t bring anything from his house due to the fire.

“I have nothing left. Everything is burnt. I can’t take out goods from the burnt house,” said Nilu.

On December 4, 2016, Thousands of shanties have been destroyed in mysterious fire incidents inside the same slam.