Home Economics students continue strike

Published: 14 March 2017, 06:27 AM
Home Economics students continue strike

The students of Home Economics College have continued their strike for the second consecutive day demanding the college to be pronounced as an institute of Dhaka University.

The protesters boycotted their classes and examinations and blocked the Nilkhet intersection halting all kinds of vehicular movement at 10.30am on Tuesday.

The students are also demanding for autonomy of the college, transport and library facilities, quality education, proper accommodation and appointing adequate number of teachers.

The students have been demonstrating in this regard for past several years.

The College of Home Economics was formed in 1961 with the help of the US’s Ford Foundation and Oklahoma State University. It later became affiliated with Dhaka University. Currently the college offers undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in five subjects.

It is mentionable that, the students of Home Economics College on Monday vowed to continue their agitation until the demand for recognition of the college as an institute of Dhaka University is met.