JS passes Child Marriage Restraint Bill, 2017

Published: 27 February 2017, 12:51 PM
JS passes Child Marriage Restraint Bill, 2017

The Jatiya Sangsad today passed the “Child Marriage Restraint Bill, 2017” aimed at imparting punishment for the violation of the law.

The House adopted the bill by voice votes with Speaker Dr Shirin Sharmin Chaudhury in the chair.

Moving the bill in the House, State Minister for Women and Children Affairs Meher Afroz said the bill was placed with seeking annulment and reframing of the “Child Marriage Restraint Act, 1929”.

She said the proposed bill has provision to form child marriage prevention committee, giving general power to some government officers or local government representatives for stopping child marriage.

The bill would also impose ban on child marriage and provide punishment for violation of the embargo and punishment for completing child marriage or conducting it, Afroz said.

She said, “People of our country aware about adverse impacts of child marriage but they do not abide by the law banning child marriage. We have a provision in the proposed bill for providing two years imprisonment for child marriage.”

Source : BSS