Whip Iqbalur Rahim receives prestigious WLF award

Published: 24 February 2017, 11:17 AM
Whip Iqbalur Rahim receives prestigious WLF award

Jatiya Sangsad Whip and lawmaker of Dinajpur-3 constituency Iqbalur Rahim received the World Leadership Federation (WLF), a global platform based in India, award on Thursday at a gala event in Dubai.

The lawmaker won the award in social innovator category for constructing and maintaining a shelter house “Manab Palli” for transgenders under his constituency, a press release said here.

The lawmaker also established an old home in his constituency.

“To receive such kind of award is a great honor for the country ...and the award would encourage the lawmakers of the country to contribute more in the social activities,” the Whip said.

A total of 80 transgender (hijra) families have been rehabilitated in the shelter house.

Source: BSS