Concerted action a must to combat climate change: PM

Published: 19 February 2017, 03:08 AM
Concerted action a must to combat climate change: PM

Putting emphasis on concerted and coherent actions to address the climate change issue, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina renewed her call to the world leaders to create a global fund for water security.

"Climate change is a global issue and its solution should also be global ... it requires combined, concerted and coherent actions," she told on Saturday a panel discussion on "Climate Security: Good COP, Bad Cops" on the sidelines of the 53rd Munich Security Conference here.

The prime minister also said non-compliance by one state could threaten the survival of all. "We must, therefore, share responsibility for ensuring security," she said.

Sheikh Hasina said climate change causes security concerns, by adding pressure on resources and it may also result in instability, violence and conflicts, which ultimately could jeopardize national security.

The prime minister said the concept of national security is going through fundamental changes. "Climate change has become a new element of national security," she said and highlighted "three major components" of climate change.

Identifying food security as the first component, she mentioned that production and quality of food, both are severely hampered by the impacts of climate change.

"We need to develop climate change resilient cropping systems, which are tolerant to flooding, drought and salinity. We must ensure the access of small and marginal farmers to essential technologies."

Sheikh Hasina pointed out water security as the second component and reiterated her call to global leaders for creating a global fund for water security.

She said scarcity of safe and fresh water for life and livelihoods are becoming acute, among others, due to climate change. "Global attention should be accorded to the efficient use of water and its effective governance," she said.

Noting climate-induced migration as the third component, the premier said millions are forced to move, internally and internationally, because of climate change. "This has direct bearings on social and economic resources, resulting in new security concerns," she said.

In this regard, she cited the 2016 Global Risk report and said it suggests that forced migration and climate change are the biggest risks for global economy.

The prime minister said Bangladesh is making every possible attempt to achieve low carbon development path.

She said the government established 400 million dollar `Climate Change Trust Fund` in 2009 from its own resources and successes of the government in disaster management is followed and replicated by many countries.

Sheikh Hasina mentioned that as part of its commitments, the Bangladesh government has undertaken coastal greenbelt projects along nearly 900 kilometres of the coastline.

"Around 4.5 million solar home systems have been installed across the country, and by 2018, Bangladesh will emerge as the largest solar nation globally," she added.

The prime minister said the Paris Agreement has been a reflection of political solidarity of the world leaders in securing people and planet from the threats of climate change.

"Though the outcome of Marrakech Conference was not much encouraging, the spirit generated in Paris can`t be lost," she said.

President of Finland Sauli Ninisto, Foreign Minister of Sweden Margot Wallstrom, US Senator Sheldon Whitehouse also took part in the discussion while Chief Political Correspondent of Deutsche Welle Malinda acted as moderator.

Briefing reporters after the panel discussion, Foreign Secretary M Shahidul Haq said the prime minister in the meeting laid importance on addressing three issues- food security, water security and forced displacement- for ensure overall security of mankind.

The prime minister called for compliance of the commitment agreed by the major economies to provide necessary financial support to the vulnerable countries to address the impacts of climate change.

Appreciating the steps taken by Bangladesh to address the adverse impacts of climate change, the panelists expected the more leadership role of Sheikh Hasina to lead the South Asian nations on the discourses on climate issue, the foreign secretary said.

Source: BSS