School students can’t roam on streets during school time: Cops

Published: 14 February 2017, 02:43 PM
School students can’t roam on streets during school time: Cops

The school students of Uttara can’t roam across the streets during the school time. If anybody finds the streets in school uniform, police will bring them to police station.

Deputy Commissioner (Uttara) of Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP) Bidhan Tripura said this at a press briefing on Tuesday noon.

He said that Police made the decision after the killing of a school kid who was killed in a clash between the two rival groups in Uttara.

The Uttara Deputy Commissioner said several teenagers group of Uttara have locked into clash by using social networking site facebook.

“Whoever will be found roaming across the streets in school dress, will be arrested,” said the police official.

Police have beefed up security measures in Uttara as a part of this several mobile team is patrolling in the area with a view to monitoring.