President appoints 8 High Court judges

President Abdul Hamid in consultation with Chief Justice Surendra Kumar Sinha has appointed eight additional judges of High Court Division as judges of the same division, a law ministry release said.
The eight judges are Justice S.M. Mozibur Rahman, Justice Amir Hossain, Justice Khizir Ahmed Choudhury, Justice Razik-Al-Jalil, Justice Bhishmadev Chakrabortty, Justice Md. Iqbal Kabir, Justice Md. Salim and Justice Md. Shohrowardi.
"...the President appointed them in exercise of his power under article 95 of the Constitution. The appointment will be effective from the date of oath taking," the release added.
Law and Justice Division has issued a gazette notification in this regard yesterday.
All the eight judges were elevated as additional judge of the High Court Division on February 12, 2015.
Source: BSS