Prime Minister directs ministry to relocate Rohingyas to Hatiya

Staff Reporter Published: 6 February 2017, 11:33 AM | Updated: 23 September 2018, 03:33 PM
Prime Minister directs ministry to relocate Rohingyas to Hatiya

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has directed foreign ministry to relocate Rohingya Muslims, who fled Rakhine State of Myanmar after being persecuted by military forces and Buddhists, to Thengar Char in Hatiya in the Bay of Bengal.

Rohingyas are cutting hills and trees for their accommodation, which has negative impacts on environment and that’s why the Prime Minister directed to relocate them to Hatiya, said the ministry sources.

Earlier on Monday Sheikh Hasina said after cabinet meeting at the secretariat that the government will build houses for accommodation for Ringyas on the islands in Hatiya.

She directed Foreign Minister to communicate with international organizations for their assistance.

Meanwhile, the diplomats and representatives from international organizations in Dhaka have expressed their concerns about the government’s move in a meeting with Foreign Minister AH Mahmood Ali on Sunday as they believe the place chosen for relocation is uninhabitable and prone to floods.

(The article originally published in Bangla edition of is written in English by Zahidul Islam)